MATLAB: How to save figures from foor loop in separate folders

figurefor loopsave

Hello everyone,
i was wondering how can i save the graphics from every foor loop in a different folder named after the file that is running?
here is my code, where i just save them in the directory. But i want matlab to make separate folders where the figures from every run are saved (there are 4 figures per file, and around 5 files per loop)
saveas (h1, sprintf('Experimental_drying_rates_%d.png', i));
saveas (h2, sprintf('Calculated_drying_rates_%d.png',i));
saveas (h3, sprintf('Compariso_experimental_and_calculated_rates_%d.png',i));
saveas (h4, sprintf('Various_drying-air_flowrates_%d.png', i));
thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Generate your file-names with fullfile (that way you can have multiple directories in a cell-array, one for each of your wanted target dirs):
dirs = {'a','b','c'};
runs = {'Q','W','E','R','T'};
for i1 = 1:numel(runs),
filename1 = [fullfile(dirs{1},runs{i1}),'.png'];
filename2 = [fullfile(dirs{2},runs{i1}),'.png'];
filename3 = [fullfile(dirs{3},runs{i1}),'.png'];