MATLAB: How to save different variables in separated files using cellfun/arrayfun


I would like to save different variables (included in the same cell) using cellfun.
As an example, this is the cell containing the file names for the 3 files that will be created:
And this is the cell with the variables that will be saved in the corresponding files:
As far as I understand, arrayfun could save vars{1} with the name 'var1.mat', vars{2} with the 'var2.mat', and vars{3} with 'var3.mat'. But I get the following error:
cellfun(@(x,y) save(x,y), fnames,vars)
Error using save
Argument must contain a character vector.
Error in @(x,y)save(x,y)
If I try the following code I get another error:
cellfun(@(x,y) save(x,y), fnames,'vars')
Error using cellfun
Input #3 expected to be a cell array, was char instead.
I don't really know if the syntax is not correct or what I'm trying to do is not possible.
Any ideas about it?
Many thanks!!

Best Answer

The save command expects the data as the name of the variable. It does not accept the array to be saved directly. If you really need this, write a wrapper:
cellfun(@(x,y) savewrapper(x,y), fnames, vars)
function savewrapper(FileName, Data)
save(FileName, 'Data');