MATLAB: How to save data from features files into matrix

image processing

i want to save data from 500 images features files every file contain 6 types of features types such as jcd,tamura,….. .,
the problem is that the data for these 6 features are seperated by comma,i want to make six matrices for these 500 image for type of features ,i atteched this file to help
can any one help

Best Answer

I understand that "data for each feature for 500 images" is in ONE text file with 500 blocks of six rows. The format is illustrated by im1.txt which contains two blocks.
Try this
>> S = cssm('im1.txt')
S =
1×2 struct array with fields:
>> JCD_matrix = cat( 1, S(:).JCD );
>> whos JCD_matrix
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
JCD_matrix 2x168 2688 double
where (in one m-file)
function im = cssm( ffs )
fid = fopen( ffs, 'rt' );
buf = textscan( fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\n' );
fclose( fid );
buf = buf{1};
len = floor( size(buf,1)/6 ); % number of blocks
im(1,len) = struct( 'JCD',[], 'Tamura',[], 'ColorLayout',[] ...
, 'EdgeHistogram',[], 'AutoColorCorrelogram',[], 'PHOG',[] );
for jj = 1 : len
im(jj).JCD = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 1 }, 'JCD' , (jj-1)*6+1 );
im(jj).Tamura = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 2 }, 'Tamura' , (jj-1)*6+2 );
im(jj).ColorLayout = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 3 }, 'ColorLayout' , (jj-1)*6+3 );
im(jj).EdgeHistogram = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 4 }, 'EdgeHistogram' , (jj-1)*6+4 );
im(jj).AutoColorCorrelogram = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 5 }, 'AutoColorCorrelogram', (jj-1)*6+5 );
im(jj).PHOG = read( buf{(jj-1)*6 + 6 }, 'PHOG' , (jj-1)*6+6 );
function row = read( chr, name, n )
cac = strsplit( chr, ':' );
assert( strcmp(cac{1},name),'Row, %d, is "%s". Expected is "%s"', n, cac{1}, name )
num = textscan( cac{2}, '%f', 'Delimiter',',' );
row = reshape( num{1}, 1,[] );
If execution time is a problem replace
cac = strsplit( chr, ':' );
cac = regexp( chr, ':', 'split' );
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