MATLAB: How to save CSV files directly from App Designer to the hard drive

app designercsvMATLABoutput

My app creates matrices that I want to save to the file directory on my local hard drive, however I seem unable to use csvrwite to create and save CSV files when using App Designer. How can I save CSV files directly from App Designer to my hard drive?

Best Answer

Well, you can create a button callback, where you can write a simple code. See the code below:
A = [12.7 5.02 -98 63.9 0 -.2 56];
[file,path] = uiputfile('*.xlsx');
filename = fullfile(path,file);
It actually gives an answer directly to your question. The thing that will change is that your A matrix will come from your app. Try to adapt this code into your app and let me know the results.