MATLAB: How to save checkbox values in an array

checkboxmatlab gui

Hi, this is the first time I use an userform at Matlab
I introduced there some checkboxes and I would like to save their values in an array at my code, something like:
Myarray = [checkbox1.value, checkbox2.value, …, checkbox30.value]
It seems to be very simple, but I can't find an answer at internet :/
I'm using Matlab 2011

Best Answer

I've gotten a solution:
function checkbox1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isequal(CheckBoxValue,1)
evalin('base', 'MyArray(1)=1;'); %Save "TRUE" in the array "MyArray()"
evalin('base', 'MyArray(1)=0;');
Then... I've just repet it for each checkbox. It's very strange MATLAB saves GUI variables in another workspace, when I couldn't get access.
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