MATLAB: How to save an image with a name same as the original image

Image Processing Toolboxsaving image files

I need to save an image like the original image, for example:
original image = 001A.jpg
saved image = 001A(1).jpg
clear all
%Detect objects using Viola-Jones Algorithm
imgdir = 'C:\Users\Lewis\Documents\MATLAB\testingimage';
DestDir = 'C:\Users\Lewis\Documents\MATLAB\violajones\croppedimage';
%To detect Face
FDetect = vision.CascadeObjectDetector;
%Read the input image
images = dir(fullfile(imgdir, '*.jpg'));
numfiles = length(images);
myimage = cell(1,numfiles);
for k = 1:numfiles
myimage{k} = imread(fullfile( imgdir, images(k).name));
%Returns Bounding Box values based on number of objects
BB = step(FDetect,myimage{k});
for i = 1:size(BB,1)
croppedimage = imcrop(myimage{k},BB(i,:));
filename = ['croppedTE' ,num2str(k),'.jpg'];
imwrite(croppedimage, fullfile(DestDir, filename));

Best Answer

Your question is puzzling: since you manage to come up with some fairly complex code it should be obvious to you what needs changing in order to do what you want. The other option is this is not your code, in which case you should try to understand what each step does. Again, the solution should then be obvious:
Change the filename creation line to:
filename = [images(k).name, '(', num2str(k), ').jpg');
Note that I prefer using sprintf instead of string concatenation and num2str, so I'd write the above as:
filename = sprintf('%s(%d).jpg', images(k).name, k);