MATLAB: How to save all trials in Matlab


The goal is to make a code in which all responses are being saved.
This is the code so far, but it only saves the last response. Anyone know how to save all responses?
for k = 1 : ntrials; fixationcross(w,fixvhdim,linewidth,screenrect); Screen('Flip', w); WaitSec(ISI); filenumber = randomOrder1(k); fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, baseFileNames1{filenumber}); img = imread(fullFileName); Screen('PutImage', w, img); Screen('Flip', w); WaitSecs(0.002);
filenumber = randomOrder2(k);
fullFileName = fullfile(pwd, baseFileNames2{filenumber});
img = imread(fullFileName);
Screen('PutImage', w, img);
Screen('Flip', w);
counterclockresponse(ntrials) = getaresponse;

Best Answer

M, use instead
counterclockresponse(k) = getaresponse;