MATLAB: How to save/access an axes’s properties using the handles structure


What is the syntax I can use to save an axes that I defined in a code file into the handles structure, and how can I access this handle from other code files?

Best Answer

I made a script which uses
and changes the default plot to look nicer.
Now, if you mean to say you have a figure with an axes, and h is the axes handle defined by one code. I believe you could do two things to get h from another piece of code. One is to set h as an output in the original code:
function h = myhandlefunction
h = plot(1:5);
then it will be in the work space if you call another function:
function another_function
As long as you don't close the figure or delete the object that the handle references, this should work. You can also use findobj:
h = findobj(gca,'color','b');
to search for specific handles with matching properties. I hope I answered your question, good luck :)