MATLAB: How to save a workspace variable from the matlab code itself

workspace variable

I want to save a workspace variable from the matlab code itself. I am able to save the workspace variable using save command in command window but I do not want to give any command in the command window . I want to save the workspace vaiable with a command given in the matlab code itself. I tried save command or in the matlab code but it gives the error variable 'ans' not found ('ans' isthe workspace variable I want to save).
I am running this matlab code from python using matlab.engine so I can not give any command in the command window.
I want to know three things.
1) Can I save a workspace variable from python after it's run?
2) Can I save workspace variable from the command given in the matlab code itself?
3) Can I give which command needs to be run in the command window from the matlab code itself?
I tried first two but they gave the error. I have no idea about the third one.
Can somebody help me please?

Best Answer

save('answers.mat', 'yourVariableName');
should work from either the command window, or from your script or function (m-file). Not sure about Python, but if your variable is in scope (in the current workspace when save() is called), then this should work. Change the mat filename to whatever you want, and of course change the variable name.