MATLAB: How to save a structure file into a text file

MATLABsavestructurestext file

I have a struct file with 3 fields(x,y and z) . Each field has many data points. I want to save them to a text file like
(x1 ,y1, z1)
(x2, y2, z2)
Like this.
Plese help me on how can i save them into a text file.

Best Answer

From my understanding, you want to save txt file with data points
As an example
s=struct('x',[1,2,3],'y',[4,5,6],'z',[7,8,9]); % structure
fid=fopen('new.txt','w'); % create txt file
for i=1:length(s.x)
fprintf(fid,'(%f,%f,%f)\n',s.x(i),s.y(i),s.z(i)); % write data file in required format
fid=fclose(fid); % close the file
type new.txt % display the txt in file