MATLAB: How to save a struct member into a matrix

dirimage processingimfinfostruct

In a folder containing images (bmp,tif etc.) I have to keep the names and the color type of each one and save them in a matrix. My question is if that is possible. I want to save the name member of the struct that has been created by using 'dir' to access the files into an array, then by using 'imfinfo' to take the color type of each image and then save them into an 2xN matrix.

Best Answer

You need a cell matrix to store the strings of different lengths:
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, '*.*'));
nFile = numel(FileList);
Output = cell(nFile, 2);
for iFile = 1:nFile
File = fullfile(Folder, FileList(iFile).name);
Info = iminfo(File);
Output{iFile, 1} = File;
Output{iFile, 2} = Info.ColorType;