MATLAB: How to save a Simulink model that uses StateFlow charts which I made using the r2015a release, so that users with r2014a or older may open and run the model


I have an r2105a business license and created a relatively in-depth Simulink model that incorporates several StateFlow charts. It runs great on my machine with r2015a. I tried to run the model on a separate machine with r2014a and am getting errors with my StateFlow charts. I do not have the machine with me currently and so cannot copy the errors here. It is critical that the model is able to run using previous releases as most of my colleagues do not have r2015a.
I have looked at the release notes and it seems there were several changes to StateFlow charts from r2014 to r2015. I have not been able to find anyone talking about making r2015 StateFlow compatible with r2014. Does anyone know how to do this? Is it even possible? If necessary, I can install r2014 on my machine and recreate the model.

Best Answer

Are you trying to run the model, save din R2015a format, in an older version? If so, there isn't a guarantee that it will work.
What you can do is save your model in R2014a format by going to File -> Export Model to -> Previous Version. There, you can choose the right format to ensure backwards compatibility.
- Sebastian