MATLAB: How to save a plot as a file, after each iteration off a for loop.

for loop: save plot

I was wondering if it's possible to save a plot after each iteration of a for loop, and adda Date, Latitude and Longtitude to the title?
Here is the script I'm working on(the variables are added from a 5 column cell array(newdata)):
D = newdata(:,2);%depth
S = newdata(:,1); %salinity
t1 = cell2mat(newdata(:,3)); %days since 1950-01-01
t2 = 19500101;
t3 = datetime(t2,'ConvertFrom','yyyymmdd');
t4 = juliandate(t3);
t5 = t1 + t4;
T = datetime(t5,'convertfrom','juliandate'); %datenumtime
Lat = newdata(:,4);
Long = newdata(:,5);
[L,W] = size(newdata);
for i = 1 : L
x = S{i,1};
y = D{i,1};
plot(x,y),hold on
scatter(x,y),hold off
ylabel('depth [m]')
Would appreciate som help.

Best Answer

See exportgraphics(): You can call it inside the for loop to save the figures
for i = 1 : L
x = S{i,1};
y = D{i,1};
plot(x,y),hold on
scatter(x,y),hold off
ylabel('depth [m]')
title(sprintf('Date:%s Lat:%d Lon:%d', string(t5(i)), Lat(i), Long(i)));
exportgraphics(gca, ['file' num2str(i) '.png'])