MATLAB: How to save a file .wav with any name in any folder

save fileuiputfilewav

Hello everyone,
I'm doing an audio processing program.
  1. The user records a sound
  2. He does the proper processing
  3. He saves the new sound in the folder he wants with the name he wants.
So, what I've done is:
>> [signal,FS,NBITS]=wavread('clar.wav');
>> wavwrite(signal, FS, NBITS, 'new_sound'); % saves a file with the name new_sound.wav in the current folder
>> uiputfile('.wav','Save sound','new_sound.wav');
  1. uiputfile doesn't save the file in another folder.
  2. In the current folder, uiputfile doesn't save the file with another name.
This is the window it appears when I execute uiputfile. Of course it contains a new_sound.wav file because the wavwrite.
And then, I try to save it in this other folder.
I've repeated the same operation and as you can see, in the MATLAB folder it doesn't exist any new_sound.wav file.
Could you suggest me something?
[nfname,npath]=uiputfile('.wav','Save sound','new_sound.wav');
if isequal(nfname,0) || isequal(npath,0)
return % or whatever other action if 'CANCEL'
nwavfile=fullfile(npath, nfname);
Thank you dbp!

Best Answer

uiputfile doesn't do any saving at all--it simply returns the user-selected FILENAME, PATHNAME, and FILTERINDEX for the subsequent operation. How would it have any idea what it's actually to save or the necessary operations to do so without that information passed to it anywhere? All it knows is a starting location and suggested name for the user to accept/modify/abort.
You must then use those values in another operation to actually do the file operation itself.
[nfname,npath]=uiputfile('.wav','Save sound','new_sound.wav');
if isequal(nfname,0) || isequal(npath,0)
return % or whatever other action if 'CANCEL'
wavwrite(...,nwavfile); % fill in appropriate other arguments