MATLAB: How to save a counter after push button in GUI


Hi ! I have this code :
function pushbutton_callback(src,event,data)
data.handles.A = [data.handles.A; data.handles.I];
and I would like to save my counter in data.handles.A every time I push the button but it is telling me that I have 'Not enough input arguments.' Do you know how to solde this problem ?

Best Answer

Usually the 3rd argument of callbacks created by GUIDE is "handles". Then:
function pushbutton_callback(src,event,handles) = [;];
guidata(src, handles); % Store the updated handles struct in the Application data
Of course it is a guess only, that you want "" instead of "data.handles.A". It would be more clear, what your problem is, if you post the complete error message. Most of all it would be interesting to know, which line is failing and how you have defined the callback function.