MATLAB: How to run the example ‘Run mapreduce on a Hadoop Cluster’


Hadoop version 1.2.1 Matlab version 2015a
Linux ubuntu 14.
I install Hadoop for a pseudo-distributed configuration (all of the Hadoop daemons run on a single host).
It is success to run the example 'wordcount'in Hadoop.
And it is success to read the data from the HDFS through the Matlab.
But when I try to run the example in Matlab 'Run mapreduce on a Hadoop Cluster',I failed.
It shows that the Map 0% and Reduce 0%.
There is my Matlab codes
cluster = parallel.cluster.Hadoop;
cluster.HadoopProperties('mapred.job.tracker') = 'localhost:50031';
cluster.HadoopProperties('') = 'hdfs://localhost:8020';
% ds = datastore('hdfs:/user/root/rrr')
outputFolder = '/home/rjy/logs/hadooplog';
mr = mapreducer(cluster);
ds = datastore('airlinesmall.csv','TreatAsMissing','NA',…
meanDelay = mapreduce(ds,@meanArrivalDelayMapper,@meanArrivalDelayReducer,mr,…
Error log is shown as follows,
Error using mapreduce (line 100)
The HADOOP job failed to complete.
Error in run_mapreduce_on_a_hadoop (line 12)
meanDelay = mapreduce(ds,@meanArrivalDelayMapper,@meanArrivalDelayReducer,mr,…
Caused by:
The HADOOP job was not able to start MATLAB for attempt 1 of 'MAP' task 0. The user
home directory '/homes/' for the cluster either did not exist or was not writable by
the HADOOP user. Check the documentation on how to set the user home directory for the
What's the '/homes/' means? I have never seen it before. My hadoop directory is './home/rjy/soft/hadoop-1.2.1'
I wish to know how to solve this problem. I have tried many methods to solve it.
Please give me some suggestions. Thanks.

Best Answer

Hi Jingyu,
Try editing the mapred-site.xml to set the value of this property: mapreduce.admin.user.home.dir
which will be set to a value of that of your hadoop directory: './home/rjy/soft/hadoop-1.2.1'
Maybe this will force it to look to your hadoop installation instead of /homes.
Hope this can solve the problem.
Cheers, Esther