MATLAB: How to run MATLAB files in batch mode or as a batch process


How do I run a MATLAB script or function in batch mode in Windows?

Best Answer

You can use the following command to run a MATLAB script in batch mode from the Windows Command Prompt:
matlab -nosplash -noFigureWindows -r "try; run('C:\Path\To\YourScriptName.m'); catch; end; quit"
To be safe, "YourScriptName.m" should have instructions to cd() to the directory it is to work in. The command "run" cannot be used with functions but only with scripts. For functions please use the following syntax:
matlab -nosplash -noFigureWindows -r "try; cd('C:\Path\To\'); YourFunctionName(); catch; end; quit"
The above commands could be put into a BAT file and invoked from any directory.