MATLAB: How to run function 1000 times to find minimum


i have a main function that eventually gives a score with randomized grouping of names. score is just one number calculated through function. I want to run this 1000 times to have 1000 scores and want to know minimum and know which grouping gave that score.
how can i do this?

Best Answer

Something like
S = struct( 'score', cell(1,1000), 'grouping', cell(1,1000) );
for jj = 1 :1000
S(jj).grouping = randomized_grouping_of_names();
S(jj).score = main_function( S(jj).grouping );
[~,ix_min] = min([S.score]);
In response to comment
What's in the file, FileName ?
FileName = ???
groupsize = ???
data = readtable( FileName, 'ReadRowNames', true );
number_of_people = size(data, 2);
number_of_groups = ceil( number_of_people / groupsize );
S = struct( 'score', cell(1,N), 'grouping', cell(1,N) );
for jj = 1 : N
S(jj).grouping = generate_random_grouping( data, number_of_people, number_of_groups );
S(jj).score = score_grouping( data, S(jj).grouping, ~ );
[~,ix_min] = min([S.score]);
No good.
With substatial help from Walter
>> subject_scores = Jeon_clust( 'Biol_528_2019_sheet.xlsx', 3 )
subject_scores =
struct with fields:
score: 0.66667
grouping: {1×8 cell}
function S = Jeon_clust( FileName, groupsize )
N = 1000;
data = readtable( FileName, 'ReadRowNames', true );
number_of_people = size(data, 2);
number_of_groups = ceil( number_of_people / groupsize );
S = struct( 'score', cell(1,N), 'grouping', cell(1,N) );
for jj = 1 : N
S(jj).grouping = generate_random_grouping( data, number_of_people, number_of_groups );
S(jj).score = sum_total_subject_score( data, S(jj).grouping, number_of_groups );
[~,ix_min] = min([S.score]);
S = S(ix_min);
function stss = sum_total_subject_score( data, grouping, number_of_groups )
subject_scores = score_grouping(data, grouping,number_of_groups);
group_ = [subject_scores{1:number_of_groups}];
group_scores = group_.';
diff_score = diff(group_scores);
total_subject_score = abs(sum(diff_score));
stss = sum(total_subject_score);