MATLAB: How to run a model when multiple signal lines use the same signal logging name in Simulink 7.0 (R2007b)


When I copy and paste signal lines into the same model, the signal properties are also copied. Hence, this can result in the same signal name being used for signals associated with different signal lines. I cannot run my model when multiple signal lines use the same signal logging name.
There are two options available for the signal logging name in the Signal Properties dialogbox: 'Use signal name' (which would not work in the case where multiple signal lines have the same name) or 'Custom' (which allows you to specify a custom logging name). I would like an additional option to be available to use the full path name (i.e. combine the line's SrcPorthandle's Parent with the signal name). This will result in a unique name and the user will not have to create another custom name which will be hard to track.
Another alternative would be to ensure that the signal name is not replicated when copy-pasting signal lines in a model (for example, by using an auto-increment scheme for signal name).

Best Answer

The ability to use the full path name as the signal logging name, or to use a different signal name when copying a signal line, is not available in Simulink 7.0 (R2007b).
There are no workarounds.
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