MATLAB: How to run a for loop unless a condition is met

for loopMATLABwhile loop

I am trying to run a for loop that starts at 2 and increments by 1 to 4 and it is inside a while loop that ends if q=2. What I'm trying to do is exit the whole program or start the while loop over even if the for loop hasn't gotten to 4 yet. Heres what I have
for i=2:4
if (i==2)
g=input('Enter guess 2');
if (g>x)
disp('Your guess was too big')
elseif (g==x)
disp('You Win!')
e=input('To play again enter 1, To quit enter 4');
switch e
case 1
case 4

Best Answer

I don't understand this code in the least, but I can make a guess from your description that you want either the break command or the continue command.
doc break
doc continue
for details.