MATLAB: How to run a .app mac programme from matlab

appexemacmatlab macrunrun .apprun exe

How can I run a programme on a mac this is a .app programme for use through the terminal such as a .exe that runs on windows through the cmd prompt?
I am trying to use xfoil for analysis of aerofoils. I can get it to work on windows with xfoil.exe but I have now moved to a mac and wish to do the same with for mac.
I've tried using the same command '!xfoil.exe' but when I try with '!' it fails to open.
Can anyone help at all?

Best Answer

Aaron - try using the system function. On my Max OS X 10.11.6 running MATLAB R2014a, I can launch Safari from the MATLAB command line as
>> system('open -a Safari')
Perhaps you can do the same for xfoil.