MATLAB: How to row reduce matrix with character string and number interval

MATLABmatrixrow reductionstring

'2010-06-0100:13:33' [95] 'AAL1799' 'MD82' 'DFW'
'2010-06-0100:13:33' [60] 'EGF3258' 'E135' 'DFW'
'2010-06-0100:13:33' [40] 'EGF3345' 'E135' 'RTR'
'2010-06-0100:13:33' [86] 'AAL1951' 'MD83' 'DFW'
'2010-06-0100:13:33' [72] 'AAL1227' 'MD82' 'DFW'
I would like to reduce my matrix to only have rows with column 2 greater than or equal to 60 but less than or equal to 90 and have column 5 have 'DFW'.

Best Answer

value = transpose([ft{:, 2}]);
index = (value >= 60) & (value <= 90) & strcmp(ft(:, 5), 'DFW');
ft2 = ft(index, :);