MATLAB: How to rotate a rectangle around its bottom left corner by some angle ‘theta_end’


Command to create rectangle:
xPos and yPos are the x and y positions of the bottom left corner of the rectangle in a 2-D Cartesian system.
I want to rotate the entire rectangle around its bottom left corner by some angle 'theta_end'. The bottom side of the rectangle should form the angle 'theta_end' with the x-axis.
I tried using the rotate command found here
r = rectangle('Position',[x_IN_end,y_IN_end,W1,l_F1]);
rRot = rotate(r,theta_end,[0,0,1]);
…but it came back with this message:
Error using rotate
Too many output arguments.

Best Answer

Unfortunately that rotate command is for rectangles created with the Antenna Toolbox, so it won't work for a graphics object rectangle like you've created. Actually, I didn't find any way to directly rotate a rectangle created using that command, though maybe I just didn't see it.
What I did find is that you can use either a patch or a plot and then use this rotate function . Both require specifying the coordinates of the vertices so it's a little less convenient, but they both seem to work.
% p = plot([0 0 20 20 0], [0 40 40 0 0]);
p = patch([0 0 20 20 0], [0 40 40 0 0], [.5 0 .5])
rotate(p, [0 0 1], 45, [0 0 0])
% [0 0 0] is the coordinates of the bottom left corner, which is what you want to rotate around
Hope that helps!