MATLAB: How to Return two Matrix of dimension (T,N)


Hello, please help me to store two different matrices like G and H as an output parameter of a 'function'.
For example, function[G, H]= input(T,N) so G and H both contain T*N matrix, Here T is iterations and N may be considered as the number of users. I can obtain G and H through some logic for one iteration. I want T = 100 different channel gains G and H for N number of users.
thanks in advance

Best Answer

function [G, H] = MyInput(T,N)
% do not name this function input, as this is already used by ML !!!
G = zeros(T,N) ; % pere-allocation to speed things up
H = zeros(T,N) ;
for Ti = 1:T,
for Ni = 1:Ni,
G(Ti,Ni) = ...