MATLAB: How to return the row vector containing the highest values from a matrix

extract largest row from matrix

Hi, I can't seem to find a solution to this but it's a pretty simple problem. Say I have a matrix:
M = [10 9 11 7 8;
10 9 8 7 6;
9 6 7 8 5]
What I want to do is to somehow extract the row vector which holds the largest sequence. I have tried the max() function but it just doesn't retain the individual rows. It is important that it returns a specific row vector from M.
The rows won't always necessarily be sequential like this, so I cannot just use the row that sums to the largest value either.

Best Answer

Try this:
M = [13 9 8 7 6;
13 12 11 9 8;
13 11 5 3 2]
% Find the maxima in each column independently.
columnMaxima = max(M, [], 1)
% Now sort in decending order.
columnMaxima = sort(columnMaxima, 'Descend')