MATLAB: How to return double or float values from poly2sym

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitepoly2sym

Is it possible to make poly2sym returning double or float values instead integer fractions as shown below ?
p =
1.0000 2.5058 4.6396 5.2776 4.1493 2.1970 0.5122
>> poly2sym(p)
ans =
x^6 + (1410654599222945*x^5)/562949953421312 + (5223704754939755*x^4)/1125899906842624 + (5942013819553297*x^3)/1125899906842624 + (233585282

Best Answer

Is it possible to make poly2sym returning double or float values instead integer fractions as shown below ?
No. However, you can vpa() the result to get symbolic floating point numbers. These will not be single precision or double precision numbers.
You can pass a second parameter to vpa() to select the number of decimal places you want.