MATLAB: How to retrieve the output from callback function


I have designed a pushbutton on a MATLAB figure and written a callback function, while the function runs without any error, it does not produce any output. May I know how to retrieve the output from the callback function. Here is my code :
The screen :
f=figure('Position',[10 100 1500 700]);
pb1 = uicontrol(f,'Style','pushbutton','String','Slice# in yz plane',...
'Position',[1425 600 100 50],...
The callback function :
function[slice_num] = pb1_callback(src,eventdata)
prompt={'Enter the Slice Number'};
slicenum = inputdlg(prompt);
slice_num = str2double(slicenum);
When I press the pusbutton 'pb1', it gives a popup window wherein I input the number. Issue is that I am not able to find this entered number in my main program. I am sure there is some issue with defining it in main program. Any help will be upvoted.

Best Answer

Callbacks do not have any output. They react to a user action, so where should the put any output to? There is even no "main" program, when a GUI is active. This is not the purpose of a GUI.
You display Outputs in the CommandWindow or the GUI or store it for later use inside the GUI. The later is done either by guidata, set/getappdata or by writing to the UserData of an object or the GUI. You can store data as persistent variables in another function also.
If your "main" program waits, until the GUI is finished, your GUI can output some values or you can request them by guidata before the window is deleted. The best way depends on where you need which data and if your GUI is created by GUIDE or programmatically.
Search in this forum for "GUI share data callbacks"