MATLAB: How to retrieve pixel values from bounding box of an image.

bounding boxMATLABpixel values

Following is a code to create a bounding box of the detected face.
clear all
faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector;
I = imread('visionteam.jpg'); % RGB IMage
title('Input Image')
bboxes = step(faceDetector, I);
IFaces = insertObjectAnnotation(I, 'Rectangle', bboxes, 'Face');
figure, imshow(IFaces), title('Detected faces');
My question is:
How can I obtain pixel values inside this bounding box area?
Store the retrieved values in M by N by 3 matrix, after obtaining the pixel values under the bounding box area. How can it be done?

Best Answer

See imcrop(): For example, add following lines at end of your code
faces = cell(1, size(bboxes,1));
for i=1:numel(faces)
faces{i} = imcrop(I, bboxes(i,:));
It will save each face in the cell array.