MATLAB: How to retrieve array data with the help of index in matlab uiTable

Database Toolboximage processing

I want to access array data in Matlab GUI, i want to search the record from array on the basis of an index
load ANPR
if ismember(noPlate,ANPR(:,2))
msgbox( 'The number is Registered in database');
msgbox( 'The number is not Registered in database');
Info of all plate lies in VehicleDes.mat, the number is stored in noPlate after matching noPlate in array ANPR.mat i also want to show the detail information of that noPLate that lies in array VehicleDes,it might shown after clicking on ok button of msgbox or another option is to show data in uitable plz suggest how to do that

Best Answer

[tf, idx] = ismember(ThisPlateString, CellArrayOfPlateStrings);
if ~tf
msgbox('No match')
Information_About_This_Plate = Information_About_All_Plates(idx, :);