MATLAB: How to retain multiple model reference variants without cluttering the workspace with unused variant objects

model referencesimulinkvariants

Hello, I am building a large model containing multiple referenced sub-models. Each referenced model has multiple variants that can be selected when loading, which I would prefer to do programatically. Initially, I loaded all the variant objects at startup, then cleared all but the required variant objects when loading the top-level .slx. For example, if I wanted to load Variant 1, I set Variant==1, and deleted all but the corresponding variant objects. I recently found a better way to organize this from this post, but this does not solve my fundamental problem.
The problem: Every time I load the model like this, in the Block Parameters menu of each Model Reference, the Conditions tab for every variant except the currently-loaded one reverts to N/A, and I get errors when I build. From this, I infer that I must keep ALL variant objects for all Referenced Models loaded in the workspace at all times.
My question: Is there a way to keep multiple variants listed in a Model Reference block, but keep in the workspace only the variant objects corresponding to the currently-active model variants?

Best Answer

i believe that data dictionary will help: what is a data dictionary?