MATLAB: How to restore deleted items from listbox


i did the coding in the following link to create a listbox and display names of images from a particular folder…. on selecting the name from the listbox that image gets displayed in the axes…..
now i added two buttons, one named "DELETE" and the other named "RESTORE"…..
in the DELETE button when i select a particular item from listbox that name gets deleted from the listbox and the corresponding image gets deleted from the folder….
on click of the RESTORE button all the delete images should get displayed in a figure file and added back to the folder…..
please can u help me do this option…..
i tried, its working when only one image is deleted….. if i delete more than one item, only the last deleted item is getting restored….. can u help me sort it out…..

Best Answer

Restore does nothing whatsoever to put anything in the listbox. You need to call some function like LoadListBox(handles) that you create which will use the filename pattern to create a cell array of strings and then use set() to send that cell array to your listbox control.