MATLAB: How to resolve the error with Workspace Browser on MATLAB Startup


When the MATLAB starts up I am facing errors/warnings like:
Warning: Unable to create com.mathworks.mde.workspace.WorkspaceBrowser
or trying to open Workspace through Home>Environment>Layout>WorkSpace:\n
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0": com.mathworks.util.event.EventListenerInvocationException: Error firing event:
How can I resolve these errors?

Best Answer

These types of issues happen due to path issues and also when the cache is not up to date. The following steps will help resolve this issue. 
Before modifying the search path, it is important to take a backup of your 'pathdef.m' file, which can be located by using the following command. Ensure that the copy is placed in a folder outside of the MATLAB path.
>> which -all pathdef
After taking the backup, please execute the following commands in the MATLAB Command Window to restore the default MATLAB search path and rehash the toolbox cache:
>> restoredefaultpath
>> rehash toolboxcache
>> sl_refresh_customizations 
After this step, please use MATLAB/ Simulink to see if the issue occurs again. If the issue is resolved, then you may want to save the new MATLAB search path by executing the following command:
>> savepath
NOTE: This will remove any custom paths you may have created.
The following MATLAB Answers post is an additional resource on how to back them up: