MATLAB: How to resolve gonzales script ‘houghpeakes.m’ index out bound

houghpeaksindex out of bounds

Hello, I'm a newbie on matlab.
I am trying to find the value houghpeaks and I try to use the source code on Gonzales' book. But what came out was always
' Attempted to access nhood(2); index out of bounds Because numel(nhood)=1. '
How do I resolve this problem? Thanks
function [r, c, hnew] = houghpeaks(h, numpeaks, threshold, nhood)
%HOUGHPEAKS Detect peaks in Hough transform.
% peaks in the Hough transform matrix H. NUMPEAKS specifies the
% maximum number of peak locations to look for. Values of H below
% THRESHOLD will not be considered to be peaks. NHOOD is a
% two-element vector specifying the size of the suppression
% neighborhood. This is the neighborhood around each peak that is
% set to zero after the peak is identified. The elements of NHOOD
% must be positive, odd integers. R and C are the row and column
% coordinates of the identified peaks. HNEW is the Hough transform
% with peak neighborhood suppressed.
% If NHOOD is omitted, it defaults to the smallest odd values >=
% size(H)/50. If THRESHOLD is omitted, it defaults to
% 0.5*max(H(:)). If NUMPEAKS is omitted, it defaults to 1.
% Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
% Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
% $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2003/11/21 13:34:50 $
if nargin < 4
nhood = size(h)/50;
% Make sure the neighborhood size is odd.
nhood = max(2*ceil(nhood/2) + 1, 1);
if nargin < 3
threshold = 0.5 * max(h(:));
if nargin < 2
numpeaks = 1;
done = false;
hnew = h; r = []; c = [];
while ~done
[p, q] = find(hnew == max(hnew(:)));
p = p(1); q = q(1);
if hnew(p, q) >= threshold
r(end + 1) = p; c(end + 1) = q;
% Suppress this maximum and its close neighbors.
p1 = p - (nhood(1) - 1)/2; p2 = p + (nhood(1) - 1)/2;
q1 = q - (nhood(2) - 1)/2; q2 = q + (nhood(2) - 1)/2;
[pp, qq] = ndgrid(p1:p2,q1:q2);
pp = pp(:); qq = qq(:);
% Throw away neighbor coordinates that are out of bounds in
% the rho direction.
badrho = find((pp < 1) | (pp > size(h, 1)));
pp(badrho) = []; qq(badrho) = [];
% For coordinates that are out of bounds in the theta
% direction, we want to consider that H is antisymmetric
% along the rho axis for theta = +/- 90 degrees.
theta_too_low = find(qq < 1);
qq(theta_too_low) = size(h, 2) + qq(theta_too_low);
pp(theta_too_low) = size(h, 1) - pp(theta_too_low) + 1;
theta_too_high = find(qq > size(h, 2));
qq(theta_too_high) = qq(theta_too_high) - size(h, 2);
pp(theta_too_high) = size(h, 1) - pp(theta_too_high) + 1;
% Convert to linear indices to zero out all the values.
hnew(sub2ind(size(hnew), pp, qq)) = 0;
done = length(r) == numpeaks;
done = true;

Best Answer

are not sensible arguments for the code you posted. They may be for the Matlab builtin, but this one requires a number for threshold and a 2-element vector for the neighbourhood.
If you don't know what neighbourhood you want then it creates one by default so you can just call it as:
P = houghpeaks(H,5,ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
in that case.
Matlab builtin functions regularly use the { property, value } pair approach for input arguments after the first few, but 3rd party code tends not to and this code just expects you to give the inputs in exactly the order they are specified - it does not support { property, value } pairs like that above.
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