MATLAB: How to resolve a compile issue for the code with PolySpace

Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

My code contains a function declaration like the following example:
#define ABC 10;
__interrupt (ABC) void file(void)
int x;
x = 0;
This works fine for my cross compiler environment, but with PolySpace I get the following compile error message:
test.c:2: syntax error; found `10' expecting `)'
test.c:2: skipping `10'
test.c:2: unrecognized declaration

Best Answer

While the __interrupt macro may be defined for your cross compiler, it is not part of the ANSI C standard. This is what PolySpace checks your code against. You can resolve the error message in PolySpace by defining an empty macro for __interrupt in the analysis:
#define __interrupt(A)