MATLAB: How to resize ui controls laye-out inside a container

guigui layout toolboxMATLAB

I'm using the GUI Layout ToolboxGUI Layout Toolbox from file exchange to organize a complex GUI hierarchically.
I tried to lay out the GUI using uix.HBox and uix.VBox, but I need to control the sizes of my ui elements.
Is that possible?
Do I need to resort to Java layout managers?
Alternatively I would use anything that implements a behavior similar to that of FlowLayout Manager or CSS Float layout

Best Answer

Ok, so I sort of sorted it out...
Theres another package in that toolkit: uiextras, which i wasn't aware of...
the Sizes property of uiextras.VBox and uiextras.HBox gets the job done in many of the cases.
It's still not flow/float layout as uiextras.HBox is a single line container but usually that doesn't matter