MATLAB: How to resize one axis and keep proportionality


I would like to change my axis' position and size but keep the Y axis proportion with
axis equal
The only way I found to do that was
set(gca,'Units','normalized','Position', [0 0 1 1]);
axis equal
But with this method, the Y-axis is kept to 1 and the X-axis is resized to keep the proportions.
I would like the exact contrary: let the X-axis to 1 and resize the Y-axis with the proportionality.
Any idea to help me?

Best Answer

Thank you all for your answers. I tried them all but it did not work. I tried it with other parameters. It turns out the one I was looking for is:
set(gca,'Units','normalized','Position', [0 -0.5 1 2]);
I am not sure why this is it, but it works very well for my specific case...