MATLAB: How to resize an image without changing the image display

imageimage analysisimage processing

Hi All,
I am wondering how to resize an image w/o changing the shape of the image: e.g if an image matrix is 256×256, and lets say I want to resize it to 256×10000 but the image display will look really compressed. Is it possible for me to only change the size of the image but the image display still looks like 256×256?

Best Answer

If you use image() or imagesc() or imshow(), you can pass in parameters 'XData' and 'YData' that determine where the image is to be drawn on the axes in terms of data coordinates. The center of the lower left pixel is placed at x = XData(1), y = YData(1), and the center of the upper right pixel is placed at x = XData(2), y = YData(2). If you happened to have an axes that is set to "axis equal" (that is, axis DataAspectRatio = [1 1 1]), then you could do something like
imshow(YourBigImage, 'XData', [1 256], 'YData', [1 256])
and then YourBigImage that is 256 x 10000 would be squeezed onto the display into x = 1 to 256, y = 1 to 256