MATLAB: How to reshape a cell array of cell arrays

cell arrays

I have a cell array that in turn is composed of cell arrays. I would like to collapse the cell array at the top level so that all cells are on the same level. The top level cell array is 1 x 10 and each of the 10 cells contain an N x 1 cell array where N is variable and not necessarily the same for each of the 10 original cells. What I would like to do is similar to the (:) syntax for arrays, so that I collapse the top dimension. Any help would be appreciated!

Best Answer

I assume your 1-by-10 cell is just like the 1-by-10 cell C created with the commands
C = cell(1,10);
for i = 1:10
N = randi(100);
C{i} = num2cell(rand(N,1));
You can easily do what you're trying to do with the command
CNew = cat(1,C{:});
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