MATLAB: How to reshape a 16x16x16x16 matrix to 256×256 whilst maintaining consistency


I have a pixel grid (16,16) and I've generated a matrix A whose (i,j,k,l)th element specifies a property of the pairing of the pixel (i,j) with the pixel (k,l), for i,j,k,l = 1,…16.
Now let's say I have a separate 16-by-16 matrix "a" which I reshape to "b" such that "b = reshape(a,256,1)". I want to reshape A into a 256×256 matrix B according to this same rule, so that A(i,j,k,l) = B(m,n), where a(i,j) = b(m) and a(k,l) = b(n).
In other words, I need to reduce to a single dimension the 1,2 dimensions of A, and simultaneously the 3,4 dimensions, so that the new matrix B is consistent with all my other matrices which are consistent with the b = reshape(a,256,1) rule.
I'm far too confused to work out if this is achieved by a simple "reshape(A,256,256)", and I need to be certain before proceeding. Thanks for _any _help.

Best Answer

Yes, it's the same. But you can easily convince yourself using a few simple tests.