MATLAB: How to reset typing in loop input


I want to make a typo refund if there is a user error. For example if a user types a zero or empty matrix then the output will return the same as original.
How to do it if there is an exception to "error", by typing ctrl+c.
Thanks for the helpers
sigma=input('Insert normal stresses[Mpa] and shear stresses[Mpa] of the cauchy stress tensor:');
if sigma==[] || sigma==[0 0 0;0 0 0;0 0 0]
error('The stress tensor does not exist. Please re type in the request');

Best Answer

sigma = input('Insert normal stresses[Mpa] and shear stresses[Mpa] of the cauchy stress tensor:');
if isempty(sigma) || ~all(sigma(:))
error('The stress tensor does not exist. Please re type in the request');