MATLAB: How to reset or close sound() player


I have a script with two calls to the soundsc() function in Matlab. The first plays an array of samples, the second plays a modified array for comparison. However, only the first is played. I assume I need to close or reset the soundsc() player between subsequent calls, but can't find anything on how to do that. I tried
clear playsnd
clear sound
but neither works.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.

Best Answer

After some research I figured the answer to the question. Apparently,subsequent calls to 'sound' or 'soundsc' are executed asynchronously, which means if you have
in your script, both will be executed virtually simultaneously. One way to get around that is to insert a 'pause()' after the first call, and set the pause value at > the time it takes to play the first 'sound()':
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