MATLAB: How to represent function which is defined on different interval

functionmatlab functionplot

I'm trying to plot function that defined on different intervals like following.
phi_i(x)=M*(x-(i-1)/M) on [(i-1)/M,i/M] and M*((i+1)/M-x) on [i/M,(i+1)/M] and 0 on other values.
I got values u_1, u_2 …u_(M-1) and note u(x)=u_1 phi_1(x)+u_2 phi_2(x) +…+u_(M-1) phi(x)
How to plot u(x)?

Best Answer

You can use a for-loop to compose the function out of the parts using anonymous functions:
phi_part_i=@(x,i) ...
M*(x-(i-1)/M)*( (i-1)/M <x & x< i/M ) + ...
M*((i+1)/M-x)*( i/M <x & x< (i+1)/M );
phi_1=@(x) phi_part_i(x,1);
phi_1_10=@(x) 0;
for m=1:10
phi_1_10=@(x) phi_1_10(x) + phi_part_i(x,m);