MATLAB: How to replace the element with random number based if statement

if statementMATLABrandom number between

Helllo everyone
i have a problem to change element of array with iteration approach. refer to , i have same problem but little different. for instance i have mut1 = [.11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20] and constan number 0.5. i want to replace element of mut1 with 'random number between' if random number(rmi) < 0.5. so this is what iam doing.
mutC = zeros(size(mut1));
pm = 0.5;
for i = 1:numel(mut1)
rmi = rand(1,1)
rCm = rbC+(raC-rbC).*rand(1,1)
if rmi<pm
mutC = rCm
mutC = mut1
but the final result is always mutC = mut1. there is no number from rCm.
I will appreciate any help. thank you.

Best Answer

mutC = mut1;
[m,n] = size(mut1);
pm = 0.5;
rmi = rand(m,n);
rCm = rbC+(raC-rbC).*rand(m,n);
for i = 1:numel(mut1)
if rmi(i) < pm
mutC(i) = rCm(i);
pm = .5;
mutC = mut1;
[m,n] = size(mut1);
rCm = rbC+(raC-rbC).*rand(m,n);
lo = rand(m,n) < pm;
mutC(lo) = rCm(lo);