MATLAB: How to replace part of string of cell array inside for loop

cell arraysconvertdata importMATLAB

Hi!! I would like to ask for some help. I am now importing a number of input data. I attacheh some examples of input files. Please refer to them. Some file contains some missing data. I would like to replace the missing data by some value. I have coded as below.
for j=1:5
f(j,1)=textscan(fid(j,1),'%s', 'delimiter','\n');
Data{j}=regexprep(f{j,1},'**********','0000.00'); %% ********** is one form of missing data and I want to replace these missing data by 0
Data{j}=regexprep(f{j,1},'NaN','0000.00'); %% NaN is another form of missing data and I want to replace these missing data by 0
Later, I will convert this cell array (Data1) to array.
However, the code above doesn't work. I have tried to it regexprep individually (without loop) and it works. So, I think the problem is to use regexprep inside for loop.
Could you please give me some suggestion or solution to this problem?
Thank you in advance

Best Answer

A slightly different approach
File_name_i = string.empty(5,0);
for j=1:5
str = fileread( File_name_i(j,1) );
% ********** is one form of missing data and I want to replace these missing data by 0
% NaN is another form of missing data and I want to replace these missing data by 0
str = strrep( str, '**********', '0.0' );
str = strrep( str, 'NaN', '0.0' );
Data(j,1) = textscan( str,'%f%f%f%f%f', 'Delimiter',' ', 'CollectOutput',true );
"regexprep inside for loop" shouldn't be a problem, however, it's a bit of over-kill.