MATLAB: How to replace all elements in a Table


For example, if I want to replace all -9999 with -999, I can do this in a matrix:
A(A==-9999) = -999;
My question is how to do this in a table that is generated by readtable?
A = readtable('test.xlsx');
When I tried, I got an error saying:
Operator '==' is not supported for operands of type 'table'.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Accessing the elements of the table are different as compared to the matrix. One solution is to convert the table to an array and then do the replacement. In the end, convert the array back to MATLAB: You can make replacement without doing the conversion to the matrix as follow.
num_vars = size(T, 2);
for i=1:num_vars
T{:,i}(T{:,i}==-9999) = -999;
However, this will work as long as the class of every column in the table supports the comparison with double datatype using == operator.