MATLAB: How to replace a function by a value

functionoutput to input

So I have a series of functions that all depend on an initial function. For example, I want to design a helicopter. I have a program that gives an initial weight estimate. This weight estimate is used by other programs to figure out how big my wings, transmission, and rotors are going to be. I, then, have another program that calculates a new weight based on the size of these geometric properties. I would like this value from this new output to be the next input into the geometric sizing programs that originally took in the value of my initial weight estimation program.

Best Answer

Conceptually, something like this?
weightEstimate = initialWeightEstimate
while <some condition>
geometryEstimate = geometricEstimatorFunction(weightEstimate,<other inputs to geometry estimator>)
weightEstimate = weightEstimatorFunction(geometryEstimate,<otherinputs to weight estimator>)