MATLAB: How to replace a column in a matrix

homeworkreplace column

I wanna know how to replace a column in below condition:
Assmuing I had a 5*5 matrix, I wanna replace each column by zeros(5,1) for 5 times. I don't mean to get a 5*5 all 0 element matrix eventually. I want to get 5 matrix with their 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th column be replaced individually. How could I code for this? Thanks.

Best Answer

Instead of replacing all of the columns of A, use a different variable for the result. E.g., a cell array named C. So instead of this:
A(:,i) = B;
you could have this
C{i} = A;
C{i}(:,i) = B;
Then each of C{1}, C{2}, etc contain your matrices