MATLAB: How to replace a certain value for another one once in a vector without using the index


vec = [89.7000 9.1000 68.0000 87.7000 91.7000 9.1000]
rep = 50
I have to replace one of the 9.1000s in vec for rep without using indices.

Best Answer

Use this to replace all elements with the value of 9.1 with rep:
vec(vec == 9.1) = rep
vec =
89.7000 50.0000 68.0000 87.7000 91.7000 50.0000
Alternatively use this to find the indices of the elements and then replace them:
ind = find(vec == 9.1)
ind =
2 6
vec(ind) = rep
vec =
89.7000 50.0000 68.0000 87.7000 91.7000 50.0000
If you only want to replace the first element, use this:
vec(find(vec == 9.1, 1)) = rep
vec =
89.7000 50.0000 68.0000 87.7000 91.7000 9.1000
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