MATLAB: How to repeat the content of a listbox in gui matlab


In my code, I have an edit box where the user has to enter a value in this edit box, afterward this entered value is transferred to a list box. My list box has to be populated with many rows and one column, say 1000 rows. So, what I need is to repeat the printed value from the edit box 1000 times. Is there a way for doing this?
I get the data from my edit box as:
Then to transfer it to the list box I have:
data=[data ; cellstr('')];
set(handles.edit_Texp,'string', data);
I tried to use a 'for' loop like:
for i=1:1000
data=[data ; cellstr(i)];
set(handles.edit_Texp,'string', data);
But the first line in the listbox is correct and after that it shows '2'
Would someone tell me how to do this?
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Maybe you mean:
data = get(handles.edit_T,'string');
data = cellstr(data);
set(handles.edit_Texp, 'string', repmat(data, 1000, 1));
cellstr(i) converts i to a cell string. Setting the String property 1000 times is a waste of time.