MATLAB: How to repeat input prompt for each data set

data setinputlooppromptrepeat

I am trying to find resultant force through inputs of magnitude and direction, I am first required to input how many data sets 1-10. I can get my program to repeat but whatever is the last input for both my magnitude and direction just overwrites the other inputs I had just put in for them. How do I make it so that each inut pair of magnitude and direction can be used to find their own corresponding resultant force?

Best Answer

You are replacing the m and a everytime in the for loop. try this
u=menu('What is your unit system?','SI','English');
d=input('Enter Number of Data Sets 1-10');
while d<1||d>10
d=input('Enter Number of Data Sets 1-10');
for c=1:d
m(c)=input('Enter Magnitude of Force:');
while m(c)<0||m(c)==0
m(c)=input('Enter Magnitude of Force:');
a(c)=input('Enter Angle of Force:');
while a(c)<0||a(c)>360||a(c)==360
a=input('Enter Angle of Force:');
Now you can use datasets of m and a to calculate total resultant force.